(Title and scripture verse for ECA's 2024 conference theme added to Peter Skynner's photo above)
Dear ECA members, applicants, candidates, associates and friends:
The privilege of serving the Lord is second to none. Even so, the demands of ministry in our modern day, especially with the advent of cell phones, voicemail, texts, and email, all creating accessibility virtually anytime, can inadvertently induce unavoidable stress leading to exasperation, exhaustion, and burnout. This results tragically in some cases to abandoning the call. According to an April 27, 2022, article published by the Christian research company, Barna Group, founded in 1984, “As of March 2022, the percentage of pastors who have considered quitting full-time ministry within the past year sits at 42 percent,” with over half of those pastors citing “the immense stress of the job” as the reason. Though the unpredictability of the demands of ministry on any given day is beyond the shepherd’s control, what can alleviate the associated stress? Perhaps establishing boundaries is a possibility. But is there a scriptural basis to support this consideration? In Mark 6:31, when the apostles returned from their most recent ministry assignment and briefed Jesus on all they had accomplished, He said, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a little while.” Here, the Savior illustrates establishing a boundary to allow His laborers to be refreshed and reinvigorated. Are there other boundaries to consider? If so, what are they, and how should they be implemented and communicated? What may deter a minister from even attempting to set boundaries? For answers to these questions, I encourage you to attend one of our four 2025 gatherings with the theme, “Discerning Boundaries in Ministry.” These venues will include, among various activities, praise and worship, an uplifting and challenging message, and a holy service of ordination and licensure. On that note, I look forward to your fellowship if you can join the ECA family for one of our events this year.
-Dr. Turrill